A Touch of Blue

by clumsylawyer

On Saturday evening, A Man and I went to F and N’s wedding reception.  It was a great fun evening with a lot of entertainment for the guests and the dress code of “A touch of blue”.  I just thought I’d share a few photos from the evening.

As promised, a photo of the cake on the cake stand I helped to decorate.

A very poor photo of the ladies from the Melksham Choral Society, of which F is a member.

There was a rather amusing rendition of Victoria Wood’s Let’s Do It/The Ballad of Barry and Freda.

A Man and I danced the night away at our second ceilidh of the past couple of months.  Unfortunately, all of the photos his colleague J took are of my bottom, so you’ll have to imagine what we looked like.

The comedy group Instant Wit came on for an hour.  If you’ve seen Whose Line is it Anyway? you’ll be familiar with this brand of improvised, audience participation-centred comedy.  I won a packet of Angel Delight for suggesting a dead sheep as something you’d be likely to find in a canal 🙂  They were truly hilarious – highly recommended if you get a chance to see them.

Another very poor photo, in the form of a screenshot from a video A Man took of F’s involvement in one of the Instant Wit sketches.  She was in charge of the actors’ movements as they weren’t allowed to move at all of their own choice.

And our choice of outfits to fit in with the “touch of blue” theme?  Here’s a photo of what we decided to wear.

Us at the end of the evening, red-faced and dishevelled.

Are you having a particular dress code for your wedding?  And are you planning lots of different entertainment?

All photos are personal.  Videos courtesy of Youtube.