Daydreams in Chiffon

A British girl's journey through a summer of wedding planning

Category: Wedding Party


I’ve slipped into a bit of a wedding funk recently – I’ve got lots of time to do things, but I’m not sure what to do or where to start.  Either I’ve gone as far as I can with some DIY thing, I’ve started it and got fed up or I feel like it’s something best left for a couple of months.  Instead I’ve got myself stuck into a project which has been on the backburner for a while: making a coat for Best Man P.

Partially completed and hanging from the light fitting in my living room.

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Spending Time with the In-Laws

Lots of people seem to have big big issues with their in-laws; specifically mothers-in-law.  Perhaps she interferes, or she doesn’t think you’re good enough for her son or you just plain don’t like each other.  Luckily, I have no such concerns as I get on very well with his whole family.

Very drunken dancing with A Man’s mum K and brother S, New Year’s Eve 2008/09. She had recently broken her wrist, hence the lacy glove to try and cover up the cast!

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Flower Girls and Colouring In

As well as my grown-up bridesmaids, I am asking two little girls to be in my wedding party.  One is A Man’s youngest cousin P.  She’s approaching 5 years old and will be almost 6 on the wedding day.  The other is my friend’s little girl B.  She’ll only be 2 and a half on the big day, so it’ll be interesting to see how it pans out.  It won’t matter if one or both of them end up refusing to go down the aisle – at least they’ll look lovely on the day!

B probably won’t really understand what’s going on, and almost certainly won’t remember it afterwards.  P on the other hand would probably like to know more about it and so I was trying to come up with a good way to tell her all about it.  I’ve seen a lot of brides online who have made up activity packs for their younger guests and so the idea came to me of making a kind of story book with pictures for P to colour in.  I’ll also make one for B while I’m at it, even if she won’t understand!

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Of Maids and Men

Choosing bridesmaids can cause some brides-to-be a lot of grief.    Sisters, school friends, cousins, future sisters-in-law, university friends, the girl for whom you were a bridesmaid 5 years ago, the list can go on and on and on.  Who to choose can turn into a question of how many is too many and particularly in America, you can end up with enormous bridal parties.

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